The Power of Seduction
The power of seduction is an incredible behaviour to learn that opens many doors and allows you to meander through life in an alluring and powerful way. There are though, many misconceptions regarding the meaning of seduction and what it represents for many people.
Unfortunately, it has been sexualised and it has a negative connotation for the vast majority. It does not allow for feelings of trust and most people feel uncomfortable with what it may allude to, lack of trust in a situation. Seduction though, is what you choose to do with it. It’s about loyalty and integrity. It really depends on the person using it and how in order to gain power, it can be obtained in a good way or a bad way. If used in a positive manner, it untaps powers you are not using, and it helps you unleash it.
Seduction is about charm, action, vulnerability, pride, self-confidence and appeal. One of the best examples to describe the power of seduction and understand how effective it can be when used in everyday life is Cuba. Cubans are very aware of their seductive powers and how they use it. It’s a very interesting cultural study of the local people and a combination that I have not seen anywhere else in the world. For Cubans it’s a way of life that begins from a very young age. I have seen it several times amongst my Cuban friends abroad and whilst travelling through Cuba.
So, what should seduction look like?
1. Desire – knowing what you want and having the willingness to go after it. In Cuba The Rhumba is the game of seduction between a man and a woman. In Cuba there is always a sexual tension between a man and a woman. Keeping the “maybe” alive is a skill of presenting potential possibilities and fuelling them with desire. It is about learning where the emotional buttons are and then triggering them. When there is real desire, even when it is hidden, it’s possible to lure it out. You need to really understand what the other person is missing, and then give it to them. When done right it is virtually impossible to say no to.
2. Confidence – strong self-confidence is essential for seduction. Without it you cannot get what you want. Our self-image is formed at a very young age, deeply affected by our environment. Cubans praise their children from a very young age. They feel confidant and stunning in their own skin. They recognise this is a very valuable life skill. They are constantly telling their children how beautiful they are. I believe one of the reasons they feel so at ease in their own skin is because there is no advertising in Cuba (as it’s a communist country). This is a blessing in a way as they have no point of reference or comparison to distort their body image. Cubans are not affected by the media in order to feel good and have a perfect body. Instead, their self-image is formed by how stunning the environment makes them feel and how much love they receive at home. As a result, Cubans grow up with intense pride, self-esteem and confidence no matter what type of body shape they might have. This kind of self- confidence allows you later on in life to conduct and present yourself in the most self-assured manner in all walks of life and situations.
3. Body Language – when you walk on the streets of Havana, boys and girls, and men and women, check each other out. They flirt all the time and never try to hide it. Women respond in the way they hold their posture and bodies by accentuating the curves on their bodies when they walk. They know that this type of behaviour gets them noticed and admired. In the game of seduction this type of behaviour makes it really easy to seduce, and be seduced, because they know the other person is feeling the same way. Seduction also shows up in the tone of your voice, the kind of look you give, what you say, and how you say it. At times, even adding a little touch. Body language is very important for seduction because it communicates to the other person what you want.
4. Arousal – to effectively seduce someone there has to be an activation of the arousal. Waking up in them the desire to give you what you want and luring it out. First though, you have to connect and interact with the other person. Otherwise, how would you get to their heart? For seduction to really work you have to give it your undivided attention in a moment. The most charming thing about Cuban men is how they go after what they want completely fearless of the consequences, of getting hurt or getting rejected. They will seduce the woman over and over making her feel desired and special even after she’s said no a few times, slowly sneaking into her heart and waking up that desire. This occurs because in a NO, there is a maybe, which in turn could turn into a yes, that is very sexy.
The fearlessness of failure is a profoundly powerful capability seen in some of the most seductive people out there. The reason they can do this is because they are so in tune with their intuition that they can easily distinguish between a NO that means NO, and a NO that means MAYBE. The last thing you want to do is accept a NO that means MAYBE.
Everyone has the power to seduce in them. The trick is to learn how to use it and when. Seduction is a skill no matter how you look at it. You can call it wooing, pursuing, flirting, winning someone over, persuading, charming them, it doesn’t matter. What does matter, is how you use all of the precious elements: desire, confidence, body language and arousal. It is important to build a connection that gets you what you want. It’s also important to remember that seduction is not a science but an art. That’s the beauty of it. It comes from the heart. Like any art it can definitely be taught. In order to fully gain self - expression you have to take the time to master it and make it your own.
Seduction should become a valuable life skill, because so many people lose that childlike attitude as they grow into adulthood and something is missing, without its loss the world would be a better place. Seduction leads to self-confidence and in turn that leads to success. In all areas of your life, master seduction and you can have anything that you want in life.
Written by founder Susi Hartmann