Do you feel too busy most of the time and tired too? So many people needing you?
You ask yourself: ‘Why can’t I have one day to myself with people helping ME to take the stress out of my life’?
At Beaumont Awareness, we have made this a possibility by planning a one full day retreat of absorbing, enjoyable and useful skills that you can take back into your daily life to help with that feeling of being overwhelmed.
Following the success of our three-day retreat in early summer, we realised that even one day with our inspiring practitioners would help to recalibrate a more balanced life.
There will be classes in breathing, voice and communication that help with relaxation and mood, the Alexander technique that improves posture, Qi Gong that physically exercises the body’s organs as well as the mind and talks on aspects of health, nutrition, skincare.
A full relaxing yet informative day focusing on YOU. There will also be a healthy breakfast, lunch and tea breaks!
Look out for our next retreat the secluded Bingham Riverhouse in Richmond where we will spend the day in the garden room, and weather permitting, in the grounds by the river. You won’t regret it.
Classes available
Sit straight, stand taller
Our posture reflects the way we think of ourselves and how others think of us. The Alexander Technique helps correct bad physical habits such as the way we sit at the computer and stand while we are expressing ourselves.
Breathing for energy
Learning ways to breathe better so as to increase the intake of oxygen, enlivens our body and brain.
Better food, better health
Finding out what our body needs and when to eat it.
The gut to the brain
Acknowledging the nutrients our individual digestive system demands to fuel our brain.
The strength of Tai Chi
This gentle martial art helps reduce stress and anxiety and also increases balance and flexibility.
Changing the neuro-pathways
It is possible over a relatively short period of time to change the negative beliefs that have been lingering since childhood and replacing them with positive ones.
The power of healing
Finding and using our innermost power to change what is happening into what we want to happen.
Movement with purpose
How to find those muscles and tendons that have been lying dormant and how great that makes us feel.
Finding your voice
Developing the strength in our voice can improve our mood, our confidence and our ability to communicate more clearly.
Look good, feel good
Learn how our appearance has a profound effect on the way we can feel about ourselves and how that can be improved.
The Hoffman process
A revelation and a taste of the deep and proven method of getting to know ourselves better.
Help is at hand
The benefits of life coaching for self-awareness, work-life balance, developing boundaries, communication and confidence.
Igniting your passion
An enlightening method of discovering what is really important to us individually and how to remain focused on it.
From self-doubt to self-belief
Through guided exercises, how to recognise our insecurities and how to change them.
Calming Qi Gong
With free-flowing movements, energy is gently cultivated throughout the body together with evenly breathing into our body’s meridians.
Ecstatic dancing
Essentially this is a moving meditation that releases endorphins to boost our immune system, increase oxygen levels and trigger feelings of euphoria. ‘it’s exercising without exercising’!
From Helen…
……. the retreat was wonderful. It did me the world of good and I also learnt a lot.
Such a lovely group of people.