Fruit Juice & Health

Why is fruit juice still considered a health product? It could be because there is so much of it commercially produced it has become big business. But the truth is a glass of fruit juice has as much sugar or fructose in it as a glass of Coca-Cola. And we do know that is not good for us.

recent study by The American Medical Association has revealed that drinking just one glass and certainly more than one glass of 100% fruit juice daily can lead to weight gain in both children and adults.

 While the study doesn’t suggest completely eliminating fruit juice from diets, it does recommend moderation to prevent overweight and obesity. One reason for this weight gain is the consumption of ‘liquid’ calories. Unlike solid food, calories in liquid form such as those in fruit juice, can easily lead to weight gain as it can take a really short period of time to drink a juice along with its calories, as opposed to simply eating an orange. That along with its high levels of fructose (fruit sugar) stimulates the body to produce more uric acid. This then tells the body to increase fat production while reducing its energy output for the sake of survival.

Additionally, a sudden load of sugar into the digestive system - as in a glass of juice - signals the body to prepare for food scarcity. This means it turns on an array of mechanisms that reduce fat burning, increase fat formation, increase blood sugar and actually can affect our body’s physiology by damaging its mitochondria, the cells powerhouses that are essential for our energy.

Nevertheless, all the above doesn’t mean cutting out fruit juice altogether. For those who enjoy the taste of fruit but want to avoid extra calories just simply add a splash of 100% juice to plain or sparkling water to create a refreshing, low-calorie drink. Or, if you have time, eat a piece of fruit and benefit from all the extra fibre and goodness it offers. That’s much better for your health.

Jayne Beaumont, research - David Perlmutter MD

And second, why on earth is fruit juice forced upon us as if it were a healthy practice? As I wrote about in depth in Drop Acidfruit juice because of its sugar content (like drinking a soft drink) is, frankly, a significant health risk.







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